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Car Crashes White House

Driver Dies in Crash Near White House

Incident Prompts Security Review

Washington, D.C. - May 4, 2024

A driver died Saturday night after a vehicle crashed into a security barrier near the White House shortly after 10:30 p.m. The incident near the Eisenhower Executive Office Building is being investigated by the Secret Service.

Witnesses reported the vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed before it collided with a gate at the White House complex. The driver, whose identity has not yet been released, died at the scene of the crash.

The incident prompted an immediate security review. The Secret Service has increased patrols around the White House and is reviewing security protocols. The incident is not believed to be terrorism-related.

The crash is a reminder of the importance of security measures around sensitive government facilities. The Secret Service has a long history of protecting the president and other high-profile figures, and this incident underscores the challenges of maintaining security in an increasingly complex and dangerous world.
